The Root chakra

The body never lies.  – Martha Graham

The Root chakra is the first chakra and it is situated at the base of the spine. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muldhara which means „root“ and „support“. It is our main vitality center, connected with the Earth and draws its energy from the ground.

The root chakra connects us with our primal nature and spiritual energies of our ancestors. Its polarity lies in incoming and outgoing breath. When it is in balance we are feeling safe, secure and enabled to harmonize all other chakras. When this chakra is out of balance we might feel anxious, stressed, and out of focus. The way to transcend the Root chakra we need to rise above our animal survival instincts.

Head-to-Knee pose (janu sirsasana) is a great way to balance the root chakra.

Iyengar yoga – janu sirsasana

“Red“, I write „is the color of life. It’s blood, passion, rage. It’s menstrual flow and after birth. Beginnings and violent end. Red is the color of love. Beating hearts and hungry lips. Roses, Valentines, cherries. Red is the color of shame. Crimson cheeks and spilled blood. Broken hearts, opened veins. A burning desire to return to white.” – Mary Hogan

The Root chakra is influenced by the color red, the symbol of life, therefore if we bring awareness into our base of the spine by visualizing with the red, we are stimulating the vibrant flow of energy. Consequently, our heart rate quickens and blood circulation increases. We feel more energized. Similar results can be achieved by drinking red liquid or eating food with the red energy.

Creating a strong balanced Root chakra is life-long process. We need to daily harmonize the flow of energy and allow ourselves to feel the desire to live, to be safe, and to be loved.